
This morning like every other household. We are in a mad rush trying to get the kids ready for school. Every parent can relate to the stress that this brings. Kids not getting dressed or looking for lost homework or having just remembered they haven’t done homework. All the while the clock is ticking.

During this busy Friday morning I hear a little made up song being sang. Conor is making up a song for Ailbe. In this song he sings “I don’t care about your Down’s syndrome because you are amazing and I love you to the moon and back”

In these special moments my heart couldn’t be prouder.

#proud #inclusion #brothers #love #luckyfew #t21 #dsa #downsyndrome #sing #wcat #mumofboys #iamable #rockingthatextrachromosone

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Life with Saoirse

Welcome to my life and family. I am married to Kyle and together we have 3 children. I want to share with you the good and difficult times our family goes through.

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